Feb 24 DAX Copilot Complete End User Guide

Consulting Services DAX Copilot Document Version: 1.1 February 2024

Transfer with your voice

Important : The following instructions assume that you are logged into DAX Copilot from Dragon Medical One on a computer and you’ ve created at least one summary. The instructions are the same whether you have begun editing a DAX Copilot summary or not.

Archived summaries cannot be edited. You can still transfer the text from an archived summary into your EHR and update it there.

For more information on creating a patient encounter, review the Record section of this guide.

① Select a summary from your Summaries list.

The Summary tab opens by default displaying the sections of your clinical summary. Scroll through the content to review the sections before transferring the text you need. It’s normal for some sections to be empty.

To learn more about editing your DAX Copilot summary review the Edit section of this guide.

Use CTRL+F on your keyboard to begin a search.

Quickly search through the transcript or summary for any keywords or phrases that to find the information you need.


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